Arthritis in knee

Arthritis in knee

Humans are able to move around from one point to another with the help of the limb such as legs and feet. The ability to move freely without any feeling of discomfort is certainly everyone’s dream but sadly some people are not able to do so. People such as the elderly often have problems with their legs, especially the knees that cause difficulty to walk. Knee problems not only affect old people but also adults or teenagers. One of the most common diseases affecting the knee function are knee arthritis. This may have resulted in some people taking medicine to ease the pain and taking supplements such as the Surbex Protect to help improve their knee condition by improving the knee structures itself.

What is actually arthritis? It is defined as the inflammation to one or more joints. Arthritis can affect any joint in the body but commonly it is in the knee. In this case, knee arthritis means the inflammation to the knee joints. The knee joint is coated with cartilage that functions as a cushion which aids in the movement of the knee in bending or straightening. Generally, arthritis causes symptoms of discomfort of the joint and signs of inflammations such as painful joint, tenderness, stiff upon utilising the joint and warm red skin over the affected joints. There are more than 100 kinds of arthritis that have been discovered causing some degree of discomfort and potentially hindering a person’s ability to have a good quality of life. To diagnose arthritis, thorough medical examination including medical history, physical examination and other tests such as blood test and imaging test such as x-ray or MRI is needed. Below are common types of knee arthritis reported:

1-  Osteoarthritis. This disease occurs when the joint’s cartilage is worn and torn due to the ageing process. This process progresses as a person ages and usually in people age 50 years old or above. Hence, it is known as a degenerative joint disease. Pain usually occurs when the broken-down cartilage causes bone of the joints to face frictions as they are rubbed to one another and produce bone spurs.

2-  Rheumatoid arthritis. It is an autoimmune disease where the immune system becomes abnormal as it attacks the multiple joints in the body, including the knee. This causes inflammation to the synovial membrane, the capsule around the knee joint. Eventually, a person will experience painful knees and stiffness.

3-  Posttraumatic knee arthritis. A type of arthritis that occur after an injury to the knee. Injury can be in form of meniscus tear and ligament injury. This condition may lead to the knee joint becoming unstable and adding more wear. As time goes by, this can result in arthritis as the wear-and-tear on the cartilage is accelerated. The arthritis symptoms may exhibit years after the initial injury.

4-  Gout. An arthritis caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the knee joint. These crystals possess needle-like shaped crystals and cause the joint to become painful. Swelling, redness and feeling the area is warm is common with gout. Although gout is most likely to affect the big toe joint, in some cases it could affect the knee joints.

5-  Psoriatic arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The differences between psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is the skin condition associated with psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis is a skin disorder characterised by the thick scaly skin. It Is estimated 20 % of people with psoriasis will develop psoriatic arthritis with psoriatic arthritis symptoms exhibited years after psoriasis skin. Know about hajj vaccination package.